Customers receive a $4 sign up bonus for signing up in our players club.
Gold, Platinum and Platinum Prefered members receive match play coupons they can redeem weekly.
We offer discreet parking in the back of our casino, along with a back entry.
We have a great variety of machines that include 2 U1's, 3 signature series!!
Monday - Mailers Platinum plus $60, Platinum $20, Gold $10 Tripple Points from 12-7
Tuesday 8am-11am - 55 and older $5 match play
Wednesday - Tripple Points from 12-7
Thursday - Tripple Points from 12-7
Friday - Tripple Points from 12-7
Saturday - Ticket to be given out to players at each visit. Platinum players get 2, all other players get 1. Tickets will be drawn Saturday morning and placed on the board. Customer gets $ amount next to ticket won. Must be present to win. Tripple Points from 12-7